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Prescription Drugs

Saving money on Retail and Mail Order prescriptions

Your medical plans include prescription drug coverage through UHC. Remember to use participating pharmacies to save the most money. You can access a list of pharmacies through your plan’s website or by calling member services. 

NOTE:  You must meet the deductible for the HDHP with HSA Plan before benefits kick in. There are no Out-Of-Network benefits.

Generic and brand-name drugs have the same active ingredients, which means they have the same efficacy for treating your condition. The main difference is the cost to you. Brand-name drugs tend to be more expensive because of the lengthy drug development process. Manufacturers charge more to recoup costs. When a patent expires, other manufacturers can produce the medication, and competition drives the price down.

Enjoy the convenience and savings of home delivery for medications you take on a regular basis through our mail-order prescription program. The larger 90-day supply is mailed directly to your home — saving you time and money.

Prescription Drug Coverage
(In Network)
Retail Order Retail Order Mail Order
Number of days of supply 30 Days 90 Days 90 Days
Generic $20 $45 $45
Preferred Brand $45 $135 $135
Non-Preferred Brand $75 $225 $225
Specialty 30% up to $250 N/A N/A

Our prescription plan options are offered through UnitedHealth Care. Need to connect?

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Policy Number: 0936788