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Focus On Your Eyesight

You may wonder if you need vision insurance, especially if you are not yet having vision problems. But vision benefits provide more than just eye exams for those needing glasses or contacts. 

Regular exams help your eye doctor identify changes inside the eye and early stages of eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.

During an eye exam, doctors can detect serious medical problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, some cancers, autoimmune diseases, thyroid issues and high cholesterol. Catching these illnesses at an early stage may reduce medical treatment costs.

Now you can clearly see why choosing a vision plan can promote your overall good health.

Keep your vision clear and your eyes in good health with regular eye exams. And don’t forget to select in-network provders for the most benefits and cost savings.


Frames are the perfect way to show off your personality. But no matter which style you choose, make sure you feel confident and are happy with your choice.


Whether you need to see near, far, or everything in between, there are lenses to help you see with clarity and comfort.


2025 Vision Plan Rates
Weekly Bi-Weekly
Employee Only $1.72 $3.45
Employee + 1 $3.18 $6.36
Employee + 2 $4.51 $9.02
Vision Coverage
Benefit You Pay You Pay
Exam $10 Every calendar year
Single Vision Lenses $0 Every calendar year
Bifocal Lenses $90 - $105 Every calendar year
Trifocal Lenses $150 - $175 Every calendar year
Frame • $140 allowance for a wide selection of frames
• $160 allowance for featured frame brands
• 20% savings on the amount over your allowance
• $75 Walmart®/Costco® frame allowance
Every other calendar year
Elective Contacts Up to $60 copay Every calendar year

Our vision plan is offered through VSP. Need to connect?

Keep your vision clear and your eyes in good health with regular eye exams. VSP vision coverage offers an extensive network of optometrists and vision care specialists. You’ll receive richer benefits if you utilize a VSP network provider.


get connected!

Policy Number – 30093851